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Ermeni tasarısı konusundaki kamuoyu araştırmaları açıklandı..

Değerli Basın Mensupları,
Amerikan Kongresi'nin gündeminde bulunan Ermeni tasarısını engellemek ve tasarının olası etkilerini Kongre Üyeleri, Beyaz Saray ve Amerikan kamuoyuna anlatmak amacıyla ARI Hareketi, ARI Vakfı ve Terror Free Tomorrow tarafından gerçekleştirilen kamuoyu araştırması açıklanmıştır. Araştırmanın içeriğini ekte görebilirsiniz.
Tasarının Türk-Amerikan ilişkilerine ve ABD dış politikasına verebileceği zararı tüm açıklığı ile ortaya koyan bu araştırmanın tüm ilgili kişiler, kurumlar ve kuruluşlarca dikkate alınması için ABD'de gerekli tüm çalışmalar yapılmaktadır.
Bu çalışmayı gerçekleştiren kurumlar ile ilgili bilgiyi aşağıda bulabilirsiniz. Bu çalışma Clinton Global İnsiyatifi altında alınan karar sonucu gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Saygılarımızla bilgilerinize sunarız,
Demir Murat Seyrek
Representative to the EU
ARI Movement Brussels Branch

Rue Royal 35/3 (c/o: CEPI), 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 2 223 60 73
Fax: +32 2 223 60 91
Mobile: +32 472 30 50 66
E-mail: murat@ari.org.tr
Web:  http://www.ari.org.tr 
The US House is currently considering various resolutions formally recognizing as organized genocide the events from 1915-23 in Turkey's predecessor state of the Ottoman Empire. Speaker Pelosi has pledged to bring a resolution before the House this April.

According to the first public opinion survey of Turkey on this issue, Congressional passage of any resolution would actually set back the cause it purports to achieve, namely Turkey's recognition of its own past and reconciliation with Armenia today.

The full results of survey are attached in a comprehensive report. This unprecedented survey was jointly conducted by Terror Free Tomorrow of the United States, the ARI Movement of Turkey and the ARI Foundation of the United States. Both Terror Free Tomorrow and ARI Movement are non-partisan, not-for-profit members of the Clinton Global Initiative. Indeed, the survey was conducted as a commitment made under the Clinton Global Initiative.

Terror Free Tomorrow's mission is to defeat terrorism by finding the most effective polices to win public opinion from extremism. Our empirical findings have led to proven actions that change hearts and minds, and change American foreign policy to benefit all. Terror Free Tomorrow's surveys have been cited by President George W. Bush, former Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush, and in the US Congress (on the Senate Floor, by key Senators and Congressmen, and in both House and Senate testimony), at the United Nations, and by the US Department of State and Department of Defense.

The ARI Movement is an independent social movement involved in projects varying from establishing a new understanding of volunteerism among the Turkish youth to high-level debates about regional security issues. Activities in international relations domain also include educational exchange programs and foreign policy publications (Turkish Policy Quarterly, TPQ). Headquartered in Istanbul, the ARI Movement has a branch in Brussels where an intense EU related agenda is managed. ARI also actively works in Washington DC with decision makers, think tanks and members of the Congress.

The ARI Foundation is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization established in Washington, D.C. in 2001. Its mandate is to promote U.S.-Turkish relations based on critical thinking and analysis. In doing so, the foundation pays close attention to current political, economic, social and cultural developments as they relate to the multi-faceted dynamics between Turkey and the U.S. The need to critically analyze such developments is now more important than ever. U.S.-Turkish relations have been strained since 2003 and there is an urgent need to redefine this important relationship. The ARI Foundation works closely with other think tanks, the media and government representatives on both sides to further its goals. Since its establishment, the ARI Foundation has prided itself as the only U.S.-Turkish organization to consistently put forth meetings on Capitol Hill to stimulate critical thinking and police debate. The ARI Capitol Hill Symposia Series has proven important in the ensuing discussion on the future of U.S.-Turkish relations.

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